Our Vision

To improve upon the special and unique relationship between South Africa and Norway by creating a platform to stimulate and promote economic collaborations, partnerships, trade and investments within the business environment of these two countries. In this regard, we shall promote sound business practices guided by corporate governance with a strong emphasis on ethical business principles.  

Our Vision

To improve upon the special and unique relationship between South Africa and Norway by creating a platform to stimulate and promote economic collaborations, partnerships, trade and investments within the business environment of these two countries. In this regard, we shall promote sound business practices guided by corporate governance with a strong emphasis on ethical business principles.  


Our Vision

Our social program is a legacy project stimulating and promoting cooperation, internet-enabled collaboration and partnerships between South Africa and Norway in the areas of higher education, entrepreneurship, capacity development, knowledge generation and collaborative research. 

Our Mission

Our legacy project will be focused on education in order to strengthen
cooperation by increasing study opportunities in higher education, capacity development, knowledge generation and collaborative research programs
between South African and Norwegian educational institutions. 


Vesterveien 6,
4616, Kristiansand 923 034 099

South Africa

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